Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Learn more about how you too can work from home

I think it's pretty apparent, if you're stumbling across this blog, that I don't post much here. When I first started blogging, I used blogger. However, things have evolved, both in the blogging world and in my knowledge about that world.

So many moons ago, I moved on. I left blogger behind and went to a self hosted wordpress website. In fact, I have more than just one site. I have several. All of which, earn me some sort of income.

For instance, my primary site, as of now, is CreateFinancialWealth.com. I use that site to educate entrepreneurs and to find those who are interested in starting a home business. I've had great success in the last decade working a home business and am looking to partner with others who are not just merely looking to make some extra cash, but who are wanting to build wealth!

I recently turned one of my old lead capture pages into an actual blog. I have always liked the domain name and feel it can be a great resource for those of you who are looking to work less, yet, make enough income to support a 3 hour work day. So it makes sense that the site is The3HourWorkDay.com. As of today, it's just a basic site with a few beginning blog posts.

In following my hobbies, I created TheGunsman.com. I have a passion for everything manly, especially for my right to bear arms. I know that because of that right, tyranny will never prevail in this country. I also blog on other topics such as camping, survival tactics, self defense and being a righteous, respectable man and Father.

So there you have it. That's what I'm up to. I'm also in the middle of creating a video series called, "What Does Dave Do." In each video, I show you exactly how I make my income while working from home. So check it out HERE. You might find something that will help you increase your income, working part time!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

CFW's Newest Blog Post: Advertise Your Business on the Radio http://ping.fm/DZDsS

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

CFW's Newest Blog Post: All The Ladies are Envious http://ping.fm/zelma

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

CFW's Newest Blog Post: Your Team Member Just Earned You $1,000 http://ping.fm/zo3Qy

Friday, December 7, 2012

CFW's Newest Blog Post: A Tribute to Personal Development Guru Zig Ziglar http://tinyurl.com/axsrphz

Thursday, December 6, 2012

CFW's Newest Blog Post: Bing It On Again! Bing or Google? http://ping.fm/aOOXo

Monday, December 3, 2012

CFW's Newest Blog Post: Everybody Deserves Their Shot at Success! http://tinyurl.com/bppaglh